March 03, 2025
根據欄位研究和過去的學術研究,[演講者教練] 建議演示者以每分鐘100 到165 個字的速率說話;這是我們測試過的大多數物件最容易處理所聽到信息的頻率. 但不同的使用者可以以不同的速度舒適且清楚地說話,讓您的觀眾可以以不同的速度清楚瞭解您. 隨著時間,喇叭教練將會從您的使用體驗中學習.
theme noun
單詞每分鐘(英語:Words per minute,縮寫wpm),是量度打字與速讀的速度的單位. 對於一個單詞的定義,每5個字元視為一個單詞. 例如,"I run"會當成一個字, "rhinoceros" 會當成兩個字. "Let's talk"亦會當成兩個字,因為空白視為一個字元.
根據欄位研究和過去的學術研究,[演講者教練] 建議演示者以每分鐘100 到165 個字的速率說話;這是我們測試過的大多數物件最容易處理所聽到信息的頻率. 但不同的使用者可以以不同的速度舒適且清楚地說話,讓您的觀眾可以以不同的速度清楚瞭解您. 隨著時間,喇叭教練將會從您的使用體驗中學習.即席演講比賽
拿到TED官方授權十年來,TEDxTaipei每年按照年會主題挑選合適的講者. 但不管是誰,都要謹守18分鐘的演說規則. 為了確保演說的內容足夠精準,每一位講者在正式登台前都有專業的故事訓練師從旁協助,共同討論激發出創意,將腦中構想轉換成重要訊息. 從議題觀點,神態表露,肢體語言,每個環節都有必須掌握的技巧.
Seminar 的意思是研討會,通常是比較小型的研討會,多為十至五十人左右.
在字典裡找sense這個單字的話,會出現「感覺」「知覺」「判斷力」「鑑賞力」等意思. 而in a sense這個片語指的就是「某種程度(上)」的意思.
2. 作文組:可帶原子筆,鉛字筆,修正帶,軟墊板. 不可帶任何參考用字典,比賽時間 為90 分鐘. 3. 寫字組:自備毛筆,墨汁,硯台,墊布(或報紙). 教學組準備宣紙,比賽時間為40 分鐘.
原聲音樂(英語:soundtrack)全稱影視原聲音樂大碟(original soundtrack,簡稱:OST),又稱原聲帶,多指以電影,戲劇,動畫或電子遊戲之配樂為內容的音樂唱片.
Posted by: onlyress at
04:51 PM
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Post contains 68 words, total size 3 kb.
February 02, 2025
Q3.信用瑕疵有哪些方法可以恢復? 若想要消除信用瑕疵,必須準時繳款信用卡費,貸款準時還款,信用卡也不要任意停用,此外,若身上真的債務太多可以考慮債務整合,並且嘗試讓自己有穩定的工作收入,養成儲蓄習慣讓個人帳戶成為有效的財力證明,這些都是可以逐步讓自己的信用評分回升的方法.破產期間借錢
破產借錢計劃主要是為了幫助一些破產中或破產期完結的客戶,因為曾經破產, 令環聯信貸記錄變為不良, 亦令不少銀行或財務機構不再信任破產人士. 而破產後可以借貸嗎? 當然可以!
其實 金管會並沒有規定民眾在銀行開戶後,要多久才能領錢 ,銀行會這樣說可能是因為自己的內規. 銀行之所以會這樣規定,是因為洗錢防制的關係,若民眾在開戶後馬上將錢轉出,銀行就會有疑似洗錢報表跳出,必須去查詢. 有些銀行會設定電腦程式自動偵測,若系統判斷可疑就會直接鎖帳戶.
尤錦堂並重申,「購屋貸款就是購屋貸款」,不得以修繕,週轉金或其他名目承做. 而有關銀行承做企業週轉金貸款,也要按照借款人產銷程序,與業務財務近況,就其資金實際需要辦理,「週轉金不是借給企業主來買房,炒房的」.新買車注意事項
A: 您好, 個人負債,只要不是欠稅或涉及刑事責任,都不會被限制出境.賣車程序
嚴格來講,破產人士仍然有外遊自由,不過所有開支都不可以由破產人的資產同收入支付,即是去旅行都一定要有人請才可以去. 此外,破產人士每次出境都要預先通知署方或受託人,並且清楚交代行程目的.
如上文所言,當法庭頒布破產令後,最直接的影響就是破產人在全球的資產都會被受託人所接管,並會將有關資產變賣套現以償還債項. 要注意的是,即使手頭上的物業為家庭居所,亦不能倖免,要被用來償還債務. 而破產人的公積金亦會被視為其資產的一部分,如破產人為退休公務員,除非有酌情安排,否則當局會停止支付退休金.
有些人擔心離過婚會被歧視,以後找不到新對象,怕離婚後到頭來還是孤苦無依一個人,不敢貿然離婚,不然就是在離婚後刻意隱瞞自己曾經結過婚的事實. 離婚在戶政機關會留下紀錄,甚至在往後結婚,遷戶口時也會看到,根本沒辦法永遠隱瞞. 但這樣也不是鼓勵讀者們不要離婚,因為顏面問題將終身幸福陪葬的作法非常不被鼓勵.
Posted by: onlyress at
03:41 AM
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Post contains 40 words, total size 4 kb.
January 28, 2025
What are the limitations of rotary pumps?
Rotary pumps are normally limited to services where the fluid viscosity is very high or the flow rate is too low to be handled economically by other pumps. The most common applications are as follows: Supplying fuel oil to burners.
What is the difference between single and double-acting cylinders?
A double acting cylinder has pressing and pulling power and is generally controlled with a joy stick control. A single acting cylinder only has pressing power.
What is a double-acting pneumatic cylinder?
Double acting cylinders have a port at each end and move the piston forward and back by alternating the port that receives the high-pressure air, necessary when a load must be moved in both directions such as opening and closing a gate.
Does grip size really matter?
Playing the proper size grip can help reduce tension and grip pressure, and increase comfort and control.E/P pressure regulator
Can grippers give you muscles?
Yes, hand grippers do work! These handy tools are effective for strengthening your grip and forearms. Numerous studies have shown that they increase grip strength, muscle mass, and endurance in the hands and forearms. So, if you're looking to enhance your grip, hand grippers are a reliable choice.pneumatic rotary gripper
What is the problem with the scroll compressor?
If the scroll compressor gets overheated too quickly that means there is a problem. While starting, if there is a delay that is unexpected, this is a sign that the scroll compressor is not working properly. Scroll compressor noise can indicate if a scroll compressor is working properly or not.
What is the function of rotary actuator in pneumatic system?
Pneumatic Rotary Actuators are devices used to convert compressed air or process gas energy into rotary motion in a cylinder. These devices provide advantages such as high power, simplicity and longevity according to their durability dimensions.
Why are pneumatic rollers used?
The Purpose of Pneumatic Rollers
It can be used in compacting cold bituminous mixes, layers of loose soil, and other soft base materials that are course. Pneumatic rollers are also best suited for compacting closely graded sands and fine-grained cohesive soils.
Are grippers effective?
Hand grips work aggressively on making your finger, palm and wrist muscles stronger. So, you can easily work out for a long time without experiencing pain in your palms. These grips are great for preparing your body for a strength training session.
Why is twin-cylinder better than single?
Twin-cylinder engines generally provide smoother power delivery and less vibration compared to single-cylinder engines. This is because the power pulses from the two cylinders can balance each other out more effectively, reducing the overall vibration felt by the rider.timer drain valves
Posted by: onlyress at
12:44 PM
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Post contains 457 words, total size 3 kb.
December 16, 2024
Who is a good assistant manager?
Must be well-organized and able to prioritize tasks, especially in a retail environment where everything from schedules to customer issues can be unpredictable. In addition to good problem-solving skills, you must be flexible and adaptable. 分析工程師
What is the job of an assistant manager?
Assistant managers are often responsible for day-to-day business operations. Review employee schedules and ensure new hires understand their roles and duties. The Assistant Manager will respond to calls regarding complaints or questions regarding orders or further escalations regarding services or products.
How difficult is a technical interview?
In summary, technical coding interviews are designed to rigorously test a candidate's coding skills, problem-solving abilities, and theoretical knowledge in a limited amount of time and often under stressful conditions. , it's tough. Assistant Technical Manager
What job title is higher than Account Manager?
At the top of the chain is the account director. This role is strategic. They oversee and coordinate the activities of both account executives and account managers. They ensure the smooth running of the sales and account management departments, often meet with top clients and make high-level decisions.
What is the difference between PM and EPM?
EPM coordinates multiple teams rather than multiple teams. Where traditional PM builds houses, EPM builds multi-family housing. The goals of traditional project management and EPM are also different. Traditional PM ensures that projects are completed on time and within budget.
Who is the Assistant General Manager?
What is an assistant general manager?The deputy general manager performs administrative duties and assists the general manager in overall coordination. Their job is to oversee most of the day-to-day operations of the business and report directly to the general manager.
What is the career path for an assistant manager?
Based on actual career paths reported on JobTree, the most common career steps to reach assistant manager are store manager, general manager, and sales associate. Store Manager, the most common step before Assistant Manager, is a similar seniority often seen in career paths.
Why are the first 30 seconds of an interview so important?
These can easily take you away from important tasks, cause you to lose focus, and create a bad first impression on your new employer. First impressions can have a lasting impact on how people feel about you as an employee, so the first 30 seconds of an interview are arguably the most important. Head of Data & Analytics
Do engineers earn more than managers?
The average annual salary for engineers across all industries is 9,840 and the average annual salary for engineering managers is 49,530, although this may vary depending on the manager's industry and experience.
What is a TA administrator?
A teaching assistant is an individual who assists a professor in developing, delivering, and often grading course materials. TAs are typically master's or doctoral students who typically administer small supplementary classes to review material covered in lectures.
Posted by: onlyress at
02:57 AM
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Post contains 490 words, total size 4 kb.
November 07, 2024
Is Cathay Pacific owned by China?
Cathay's largest shareholder remains Swire Pacific, which owns 45% of the company. Air China is Cathay's second largest shareholder, with Qatar Airways (QR, Doha Hamad International) owning about 10%, and the rest traded on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. 銀杏館招聘
Is Haeco part of Cathay Pacific?
Haeco is a wholly owned subsidiary of Swire Pacific, which is Cathay Pacific's largest shareholder with a 45% stake.
Why is Cathay Pacific's first class so expensive?
First class tickets on Cathay Pacific are expensive due to several factors. Luxury Amenities: First Class offers premium services such as spacious seating, fine dining, exclusive lounges, and personalized service. The costs associated with providing these premium amenities will impact ticket prices.
What was China's old name?
The Chinese Empire was sometimes called the Great Qing, but increasingly was called China (see discussion below). Dulimbai Gurun is a Chinese Manchu name, where "Dulimbai" means "center" or "middle" and "Gurun" means "nation" or "nation."
Who is Equinor's largest owner?
Our largest shareholder
Shareholder Ownership percentage (%) Number of shares
Norwegian government 67.0% 1 871 163 424
Folketrygdfondet 3.8% 107 039 261
The Vanguard Group, Inc. 1.2% 33 571 316
br> >BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, NA 1.0% 27 831 901
Is Russian spoken in Xinjiang?
Today, Russian is only spoken in small Russian communities in northeastern Heilongjiang province and northwestern Xinjiang province.
Are there any 7 star airlines?
The best low-cost airlines are New York-based JetBlue Airways, Seattle-based Alaska Airlines, Germany-based TUIfly, and Denver-based Frontier, all with seven-star safety ratings. , awarded a 5-star product rating, the highest for a low-cost airline. evaluation. haeco招聘
How rich is Equinor?
Former Statoil (until May 15, 201
Total assets USD 47.12 billion (2021)
Total capital USD 9.01 billion (2021)
Owner Norwegian Government (67%) Free float (33%)
Number of employees: 21,126 (2021)
Who owns Auchan Group?
Mulliez familyAuchan (French pronunciation: [oʃɑ̃]) is a French multinational retail group headquartered in Croix, France. Founded in 1961 by Gérard Maries, the company is owned by the Maries family, who own 95% of the company's shares.
How many MROS are there in the world?
The air transport force has more than 25,000 aircraft. Almost half of its fleet is in North America, with approximately 37,000 aircraft in operation. The next largest market is Europe with 16,800 aircraft, followed by Asia Pacific with approximately 10,000 aircraft.
Posted by: onlyress at
01:58 AM
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Post contains 401 words, total size 3 kb.
December 05, 2023
What is an OLED screen? Before you buy a phone, take a quick look at the OLED screen!
I believe that the average person can understand the specifications of the phone when buying a mobile phone, which may be screen size, boe 2023
processor, storage space, lens function, battery capacity... ... Let's wait. For example, more and more use of OLED screens, this technical specification is more difficult, perhaps also learned from the shop assistant, color display is more beautiful? So what are the advantages and disadvantages of OLED screens in addition to screens? For those of you who want to buy an OLED phone, let us show you.
What is OLED?
OLED(organic light-emitting diode), also known as organic light-emitting display (OLED), BOE displays is a display technology that utilizes the light-emitting ability of light-emitting diodes without relying on backlit panels, which is also the biggest difference between liquid crystal displays and liquid crystal displays that require backlit liquid crystal displays to provide color.
However, because the OLED is produced by its own light, which makes the OLED more perfect display color saturation and contrast,oled manufacturer does not need the white light of the backlight, but also makes the black on the screen appears more pure, unlike the LCD will have light leakage, black will have a little gray black feeling.
The luminous principle of LCD and OLED, LCD needs to project the white light on the backrest light plate to project the color, and OLED is that we can emit light to produce color, the components are much less, so the company can make their own thinner.
Each RGB pixel of the OLED screen emits its own light.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using oled screens wisely?
OLED display has been used on mobile phones for a long time, looking back, from the bulky CRT screen, to the development of thin and light LCD screen, I think OLED screen will become the trend of mobile phone adoption in the future, so what are the advantages and disadvantages of OLED?
[Advantage 1] The color is brighter and more beautiful
OLED screens can provide clearer images, more vivid colors, simply put, the screen presents a more delicate picture than LCD, and the photos are more beautiful, which is the main reason why many people like OLED screens.
[Advantage 2] Light volume
Oleds are made of organic materials, do not require a backlit panel, and are thinner and lighter than LCDS. It is flexible and can be used for folding or flexible screens. The lens on the screen and fingerprint recognition on the screen also rely on OLED for ultra-thin and good light transmission characteristics.
[Advantage 3] The power saving effect is obvious.
Because each pixel of the organic light-emitting diode can emit its own light, it can be completely darkened under a black background, unlike the lcd, which needs to open the entire backlight board for local use, so it can save power under a black background.
[Disadvantage 1] Short service life causes fading of residual image.
Although each pixel information of the OLED screen can emit its own light, but the wavelength of the three primary colors red, green, and blue is different, and the luminous life is different, so long-term use may cause some pixels of the enterprise to prematurely aging, and the screen color will appear red, green, or residual shadows, which is what we call brand technology and so on.
[Disadvantage 2] Pulse width modulation flash causes eye pain
In general, the way to adjust the brightness of the LCD screen is to use DC(direct current) dimming method, that is, to change the brightness through the current, but most organic light-emitting diodes use PWM(pulse width modulation) dimming method. PWM has only two states: full light and full dark. If you want to change the brightness of the screen, you can do so by switching the ratio of full light to full dark time. The higher the total light time ratio, the brighter the screen.
The reason why the eyes will be more tired is that OLED requires high-speed switching (flashing) when adjusting the brightness, so that the human eye can produce the illusion of the screen becoming brighter or darker. Although the flicker frequency of most elderly people on the market is between 200Hz and 300Hz, which is undetectable to the human eye, it still needs to be above 1000Hz, so this low-frequency flicker is still potentially harmful to the sleeping eye.
Worried about OLED screen branding? You should see this test
A laptop can also have the amazing quality of an OLED TV
Posted by: onlyress at
02:52 AM
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Post contains 793 words, total size 6 kb.
March 15, 2022
UnionPay online payment can be paid without opening the counter. The bank card china unionpay card transaction password and the withdrawal password. No need for a u-shield, it's simple. UnionPay Express Payment is a payment website jointly launched with major banks. It is the new, safest and most convenient payment.
There is no need to log in to online banking when paying, just associate a credit card or debit card, and you only need to enter the Alipay payment password each time to complete the payment. 2. Online banking payment can only be carried out safely after opening the corresponding bank counter, downloading the relevant controls, and using the u-shield. Online banking payment is one of the most mature online payment functions of UnionPay.
Its characteristics are that the bank card needs to activate the online banking payment system function in advance, and when making payment, the bank card management information is completely entered on the bank online banking page and the enterprise payment user password is verified. It has the characteristics of social stability and ease of use, and safe and reliable work.
UnionPay online payment is to use your UnionPay standard card for online payment, no matter which bank, online payment means that you can only pay with the corresponding bank card.
In addition, UnionPay online payment does not require an online banking digital certificate, and the online banking payment must use the digital certificate of online banking payment or the payment medium of a password card.
UnionPay online payment has a daily limit, and each corporate bank develops differently. For example, the daily limit of ICBC credit card is 10,000 yuan, and the online banking payment limit management is the credit limit of China's credit card.
Posted by: onlyress at
07:36 PM
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Post contains 295 words, total size 2 kb.
February 25, 2022
In recent years, data mining has attracted widespread attention from major small and medium-sized enterprises. Why did data mining suddenly become popular? Because in today's big data era, enterprises have a large amount of available data, and the amount is huge, and its value and knowledge cannot be estimate. How to extract valuable information from these massive and disorganized data to help enterprises develop better is one of the problems that many enterprises need to solve urgently.
Data mining is the use of algorithms to find hidden information from massive data. That is, the potentially useful process of extracting information and knowledge from large, incomplete, chaotic, fuzzy, and random practical application data. The main steps of the method are to extract data from the database according to the target of analysis and mining, and then organize the data into a wide table suitable for analysis and mining algorithms through ETL, and then use data mining software to mine.
Conventional data mining software generally only supports small stand-alone data processing. But due to these limitations, traditional data mining usually uses sampling methods to reduce the scale of data analysis, resulting in the accuracy of the analysis results. So we will now summarize, what aspects of data mining still need to focus on breakthroughs.
One, intuitive analysis.
Data visualization is a basic function for general users and data analysis experts. Data visualization allows the data to express itself, allowing users to intuitively experience the results.
Algorithms for data mining.
Data mining is the translation of machine language to humans, and data mining is the native language of machines. Segmentation, aggregation, outlier analysis, and various algorithms allow us to extract value from data. The algorithm must be able to cope with a large amount of massive data, and at the same time have a leasing system.
Third, predictive analysis.
Forecast analysis enables data analysts to make some forward-looking judgments based on image analysis and data mining.
Semantic engine.
Semantic machines need to be designed with sufficient artificial intelligence to actively extract information from data. These include machine translation, sentiment analysis, public opinion analysis, intelligent input, question answering systems, etc.
5. Data quality and data management.
In terms of management, data quality and management is the best practice, standardized process and machine processing data can guarantee advance analysis results.
Posted by: onlyress at
03:12 AM
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Post contains 392 words, total size 3 kb.
September 20, 2021
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1. Steroid injection in local lesions: treatment approximately once every 4 weeks.
2. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy: low temperature causes r 疤痕增生 of scar tissue, which is treated every 4 weeks.
3. Local injection of chemotherapeutic drugs into the lesion: Use cytotoxic drugs to induce apoptosis of scar tissue.
4. Surgical resection combined with postoperative radiotherapy: Surgical resection can quickly improve scars and reduce scar volume, but postoperative radioactive electron beam therapy should be combined to destroy fibroblasts in tumor tissues and prevent scar tissue from reproliferating.
5. Laser treatment: Vascular lasers, such as yellow lasers or dye lasers, more specifically, use hemoglobin to absorb laser energy, thereby blocking blood flow to scar tissue and causing it to shrink. Combined steroid injections are usually used to improve treatment results.
6. Local botulinum injection: This is a new treatment method. The possible treatment mechanisms include reducing the tension of scar tissue and inhibiting the activity of fibroblasts.
See more: The "lower extremity wound" has not healed for more than 3 weeks, so go to a cardiovascular surgery department! She changed her dressing treatment for 21 months. It turned out to be a venous ulcer.
Emphasize that prevention is better than treatment of hypertrophic scars. If you suspect scarring after injury or surgery, you should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. However, any of the above treatment methods requires time and multiple treatments to achieve significant improvement for hypertrophic scars or keloid swelling, and if the treatment is not properly maintained, there is still a certain possibility of recurrence, so the patient must be patient. Only with the cooperation of doctors can a good treatment effect be achieved.How to treat hyperplastic scars or keloids?
1. Steroid injection in local lesions: treatment approximately once every 4 weeks.
2. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy: low temperature causes avascular necrosis of scar tissue, which is treated every 4 weeks.
3. Local injection of chemotherapeutic drugs into the lesion: Use cytotoxic drugs to induce apoptosis of scar tissue.
4. Surgical resection combined with postoperative radiotherapy: Surgical resection can quickly improve scars and reduce scar volume, but postoperative radioactive electron beam therapy should be combined to destroy fibroblasts in tumor tissues and prevent scar tissue from reproliferating.
5. Laser treatment: Vascular lasers, such as yellow lasers or dye lasers, more specifically, use hemoglobin to absorb laser energy, thereby blocking blood flow to scar tissue and causing it to shrink. Combined steroid injections are usually used to improve treatment results.
6. Local botulinum injection: This is a new treatment method. The possible treatment mechanisms include reducing the tension of scar tissue and inhibiting the activity of fibroblasts.
See more: The "lower extremity wound" has not healed for more than 3 weeks, so go to a cardiovascular surgery department! She changed her dressing treatment for 21 months. It turned out to be a venous ulcer.
Emphasize that prevention is better than treatment of hypertrophic scars. If you suspect scarring after injury or surgery, you should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible. However, any of the above treatment methods requires time and multiple treatments to achieve significant improvement for hypertrophic scars or keloid swelling, and if the treatment is not properly maintained, there is still a certain possibility of recurrence, so the patient must be patient. Only with the cooperation of doctors can a good treatment effect be achieved.
Posted by: onlyress at
03:48 AM
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Post contains 564 words, total size 4 kb.
September 07, 2021
Summer is here, the bear children crazy fun, but parents are worried and fearful. After all, children are still in the developmental stage, the concept of self-prevention and resistance is relatively more lacking than adults, for a variety of external illnesses and the emergence of accidental disasters are very easy to have not been hit.
å…’ç«¥ä¿éšªHere I would like to tell many parents that instead of being worried, it is better to buy a commercial insurance for your child as soon as possible.
But or to prompt everyone a sentence: before buying insurance is best to do a good course, otherwise again to spend more money unnecessarily! So how in the end should you buy insurance for your child? Today we will talk about how you can "not follow the trend, do not step on the pit, not the lyrics" to select the right children's insurance for their own children.
1ã€Preferred configuration of Shenzhen children's medical insurance
Shenzhen children's medical insurance belongs to our country welfare, the basic protection is more comprehensive and quality and cheap, must be grasped tightly. On this basis, and then according to their own requirements, purposefully fill the configuration of commercial insurance, the money used on the edge.
This actual application procedure process is different across the country, please parents according to the requirements of the local authorities, immediately apply for children's medical insurance for children in Shenzhen, which is also the main protection for children.
2ã€Protection is better than profit
When the big guys buy baby insurance, the priority is to consider the protection goods, accidental injury insurance, critical illness insurance, medical insurance and other protection insurance is considered to be the insurance coverage that can indeed protect. In the case of protection insurance cover thoroughly, and then take into account the investment of financial management.
3, the first commercial insurance, when to buy the most appropriate?
No matter adults or children, business insurance is all the more cost-effective the sooner you buy it, so that on the one hand, you can get protection as soon as possible, on the other hand, the cost of insurance is also more cost-effective. With most car insurance companies, the first time to buy insurance is 28 days after the baby is born. If your child is physically and mentally healthy, you can buy insurance after the first month of life.
In addition, 2-6 years old when the child has a higher probability of disease time range, and after the age of 6 years old, the disease rate of the accident is also higher, it is proposed that the people at the latest not to exceed 14 years old.
4, the order of insurance purchase: accident insurance > critical illness insurance > medical insurance > financial insurance
In the purchase of insurance products for children, children's accident insurance, critical illness insurance and hospitalization medical insurance should be the main parents consider the three types of insurance coverage. If the family insurance cost budget is sufficient, you can buy all the above insurance financial products for your child at one time; if the insurance cost budget is not enough, you can buy according to the order of accident, critical illness, hospitalization treatment and treatment.
In the case of protection insurance cover thoroughly, and then consider to education gold insurance and other financial insurance products.
1) Accidental injury insurance
Children are very inquisitive and cannot identify risks, so they are very prone to accidents, especially after the age of 6, when the frequency of accidents is higher. According to the analysis of relevant data, in China, accidental injury is the main cause of death of children aged 0-14 years old, about 150 children and adolescents lost their lives due to accidents every day, accounting for 26.1% of the number of causes of death of children and adolescents, and the data will be rapidly increasing at an efficiency of 7%-10% every year.
When configuring, it is proposed to select a comprehensive accident insurance policy that includes accidental death obligations and accidental medical treatment, so that common damages such as stumbling, dog paws, etc., which are very easily caused by children's nature to play and move, are also included in the scope of compensation.
In addition, special note is that in order to better protect minors and avoid risk prevention and control measures, our country has carried out the amount of compensation for death under the age of 18, the following death compensation under the age of 10 can not exceed 200,000, 10-18 years old death compensation can not exceed 500,000, the amount of accident insurance can be configured for this sector.
2) Critical illness insurance
I think many people still have some memories of the "Luo Yixiao incident" that was circulating in the circle of friends, along with the information dissemination is becoming more convenient and transparent, a variety of children and adolescents suffering from sepsis, brain cancer and lymphoma and other serious illnesses easy to raise information content is also commonplace.
In order to prevent similar misfortunes from being repeated in your own life, it seems essential to have critical illness insurance for your child.
The cancer that everyone is talking about, for example, actually has a relatively high treatment rate in children, so regardless of whether the family income is high or low, it is advisable to have a critical illness insurance policy within a budget that can bear the cost, at least don't let the expensive treatment become the only obstacle to your child not being able to receive proactive and reasonable medical treatment immediately.
When purchasing, three elements should be the focus of attention.
The first is that the amount of compensation credit for critical illness insurance should be higher than the average cost of medical treatment for most critical illnesses, a figure that you can also check online, proposing an insurance amount of at least 500,000. Because of the expensive treatment of serious illnesses, the insurance amount should be bought enough, otherwise once the child gets sick, it will create a significant financial burden on the family.
Second, pay attention to the variety of protection is not to include the child's unique critical illnesses, such as Kawasaki disease, polio vaccine, etc..
Thirdly, the lower the cost of insurance, the better. In the condition of ensuring 500,000 insurance amount, then choose the insurance cost is more cost-effective goods can be. If you don't have enough budget, you can reduce your budget by considering on-time consumer critical illness.
3) Medical insurance
When children are young, their resistance is low and they often run to hospital outpatient clinics, and hospitalization for acute bronchitis, lung infections, children's hand, foot and mouth disease, oral internal vesicles, high fever, gastroenteritis, etc. is a common occurrence. Therefore, in addition to buying accident insurance and critical illness insurance for your child, you can purchase a hospitalization medical insurance, especially when the child is 0-6 years old, the proportion of compensation for this commodity is higher.
Medical insurance has the characteristics of compensation, reimbursement, total cost reimbursement credit does not exceed the specific cost of medical expenses, the proposed configuration of a million medical plus general hospitalization medical insurance can meet the protection requirements.
4) Investment and financial business insurance
The education fund insurance is a business insurance that thinks that children prepare in advance for the education fund, compared to other commodities, the protection role is poor, so it is proposed to put accident insurance, critical illness insurance, medical insurance, and then according to the annual income of the family configuration as needed.
The storage cycle time of education fund insurance is basically 10 to 20 years, not "zero risk", should take into account the risk tolerance and other factors, so as to achieve the target profit within the control.
In the end, it is recommended to everyone: mothers and fathers as the source of the family economy ***, the obligation to pay for insurance and maintain the quality of life, so before buying insurance for children, remember: first to configure a full range of risk protection for themselves, do not "run naked", or once the risk is generated, the child did not pay the bill If the child does not have the ability to work, the overall planning of the perfect method is also missing the actual meaning.
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How to buy insurance for teenagers and children works best? There is a way first, then choose the go
Posted by: onlyress at
08:19 AM
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August 30, 2021
Baiju Second Mortgage
Mortgage loans under the Home Ownership Scheme for unpaid premiums are quite complicated. Here you can learn about the guarantee period, term, percentage, interest rate and rebate of HOS flats.
HOS Guarantee period
The government guarantees all HOS units for 30 years. If the owner ç¶ è¡¨å±…å±‹æŒ‰æ the supply during the guarantee period, the government will return the money to the bank. The guarantee period is calculated based on the first sale date. If it is a new HOS flat, the guarantee period is 30 years. If it is a second-hand HOS flat, assuming that the first sale date is 5 years ago, the remaining government guarantee period is 30-5 = 25 years.
Mortgage period
In white and green forms, the current maximum repayment period for first-hand HOS flats is 25 years. For second-hand HOS units, the actual term of the mortgage depends on the remaining term of the government guarantee term.
Mortgage ratio
The green ones are up to 95% of the HOS mortgages, and the white ones are up to 90% of the HOS mortgages. However, for second-hand HOS flats, the actual mortgage ratio will vary depending on the remaining period of the government guarantee period. The bank has a "log sheet" that shows how many mortgage periods can be achieved in each combination of guarantee period and mortgage percentage.
Mortgage interest rate and rebate
Home purchase plan mortgage loans can only be made at the best loan interest rate p specified in the plan, not mortgage loans specified by the government h. The current best HOS mortgage interest rate is p-2.75%, and the actual mortgage interest rate is 2.5%. As for the mortgage rebate for the new home ownership scheme, in addition to the bank rebate, those who apply for a mortgage through Star Valley can receive a cash reward of up to 1.7%. Do you want to know the best mortgage plan?
The "White No. 2" market has been very hot since June. Although the shoot merchants come and go in a hurry, they are eager to enter the market without understanding the laws of the market. They are likely to be hit by a landmine. The future owner must first understand the following mortgage volts before entering the market, otherwise this may be a waste of a once-in-a-lifetime golden opportunity!
What is the upper age limit for HOS mortgage applicants?
In the past, when the economy was stable, some banks tried to calculate the repayment period based on "applicant age minus 109 years", which meant that 90-year-olds could also repay mortgages in 19 years. However, this measure has recently been tightened, and the reduction of 109 is limited to one hand. If it is a second-hand home ownership scheme, the prospective buyer is over 90 years old, or can only get a 10-year mortgage. Some big banks even only use 25% off, so it’s important to shop around.
Posted by: onlyress at
08:14 AM
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Post contains 492 words, total size 3 kb.
August 17, 2021
1. do not easily lose their temper
Can not control their temper, may offend others, so that the future work more difficult, so the rich people will generally hide their temper, never easy to get angry. Always show emotions in front of others, people are often not stable enough.
2. Spend money without diluting the door
è”¡åŠ èµž Money is earned, not saved up, so to become rich, the first thing to change the concept of consumption.
So the rich never stingy when spending money, high investment means high return, although there is a certain amount of high risk, but, insurance business certainly can not earn big money.
3. Modestly listen to advice
Most people are powerful, and most people are wiser. Therefore, in our work, we should listen to other people's suggestions. Brainstorming can make our ideas perfect, check the deficiencies and fill in the gaps in time.
So those who can do great things, they are very willing to listen to other people's ideas, hoping that others to give their own more advice, the bossy people usually do not want to listen to others to give their own advice, such people are very difficult to succeed, you will not earn real money.
4. good at summing up experience
There is a saying that failure is the mother of success, meaning that we have to learn from the failure, and then avoid stepping on the mines, so as to succeed, but many people are unable to put this into practice.
Because in the process of doing things, few people can summarize the accumulated experience in a timely manner. People who are not good at summarizing their experiences will always stand still and have to give up.
Posted by: onlyress at
09:24 AM
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Post contains 295 words, total size 2 kb.
August 09, 2021
Charcoal Smokeless Barbecue Grill
Carbon dioxide is released during the burning process of charcoal, which is colorless and odorless. In addition, charcoal burning, itself no smoke. Ordinary barbecue grills will have smoke when making products, because when making products oil and seasonings will fall into the charcoal fire.
Gas smokeless barbecue grill
The general use of Chinese stainless steel stove å»šæˆ¿ç„—çˆ body, through the enterprise electronic technology pulse for ignition, the use and LPG or natural gas combustion, heat to heat the way above the four independent high-temperature crystal red gas heating plate and then baked food on the iron plate. Look at the energy-saving component analysis control, electronic system pulse switch can also effectively control the size of the fire can come is to control the temperature of the iron plate with practical functions convenient.
Electric smokeless barbecue oven
The heat source acts directly on the food in the direct-fired electric barbecue grill. When the food is grilled, the fat will immediately drip down. There is no repetitive penetration of oil, which means there is no frying or deep-frying process, so the food contains less fat and the grilled food has a true grilled taste.
Smokeless electric grill role
1, can be used for breakfast, bake some bread, doughnuts, buns, fish bait, glutinous rice cake, baked out of a special flavor! With milk, soy milk and porridge, a wonderful breakfast is ready, isn't it very pleasant? The above barbecue generally does not need to clean the stove, saving time and convenience.
2, the main meal, grill one or two dishes with, is not a difficult task, grilled a few skewers of meat, grilled a fish, grilled two pieces of stinky tofu, or grilled three chicken wings, or grilled a small plate of melon, grilled a few leeks, or grilled an eggplant, large spicy seeds can be used for cold, are very simple and convenient.
For the catering industry: as long as the street, randomly grilled lamb skewers, tofu, milk powder, sold as snacks, dinner can be used to make special dishes, grilled fish, grilled stinky tofu, grilled beef, pork chops ... Delicious, unique, just like a chef with harmless barbecue. Sure to be a big hit.
Posted by: onlyress at
10:30 AM
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Post contains 372 words, total size 3 kb.
August 02, 2021
Eat a healthy meal a few hours before you sing. Eat enough food an hour or two before the show starts to keep you energized. Don't eat too much. A full stomach will limit your diaphragm. And avoid eating foods that are too tasty.
Drink some water before the show.
Drinking plenty of water will keep your throat hydrated. Keep the water æŒå”±è¡¨æ¼” warm because if it is too cold, your vocal cords will constrict. Don't drink too much water a few hours before the show so you don't have to go to the bathroom.
Avoid alcohol, dairy products and cold drinks, all of which can make your voice sound worse.
A little physical activity can help you relax. Do some light stretching or jogging for a few minutes; relax your jaw and tongue; do some stretches for your back and abdomen.
A good stretch is a back bend. Place your hands on your lower back and gently bend your neck with your inner spine back.
Warm up your voice with lip trills and scales. Lip trill. Make a br sound. Sing the scales with your lip trills. Don't exceed your preferred pitch. Humming is another good exercise. You can warm up your voice by humming.
Take a deep breath and get rid of any tension that you can't get rid of. Take a deep breath, relax, and let your body open up. If you notice any tensions, you can feel them, but don't indulge them. As you breathe out, imagine them slowly leaving your body.
Remember why you are singing. Think about the compliments you get and remind yourself why you sing.
Tell yourself that singing is fun for you and that your voice is perfect for the audience.
Posted by: onlyress at
10:29 AM
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Post contains 296 words, total size 2 kb.
July 22, 2021
Wang Yuan Yuan is mainly because she married to Choi Ka Chan, the son of Hong Kong tycoon Francis Choi, who is known as the "Toy King".
After the marriage, her husband not only had no scandals, but also è”¡åŠ èµž doted on her. In addition, Choi Ka San is very handsome, so Wang Yuan Yuan is the envy of many people.
On November 28, the couple's seventh wedding anniversary, Wang posted a photo on social media of her and her husband wearing Chinese dresses for the wedding. Wang Yuan Yuan said the wedding seems to have happened yesterday.
It turns out that the two have been married for seven years, still in love, very loving. The two of them are still in love and very much in love. They give each other a surprise from time to time, which is really enviable.
According to the Hong Kong media, è”¡åŠ èµž has a net worth of at least 50 billion. The company is a member of the Board of Directors of the United States of America. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services.
According to Wang, the two have even been married for years, have three children, or often live like newlyweds, with her husband surprising them from time to time.
Wang says she was touched by Choi's proposal and a song she wrote in their second year of dating. Every year è”¡åŠ èµž on our wedding anniversary, our husbands not only send her flowers to surprise her, but also send her on her first date or to the movies.
Wang Yuan Yuan says her husband is very considerate of her, so it's not just money that keeps a marriage fresh.
She also thinks that Karson Choi's affairs are less than those of other princelings. For karson choi, the stress of running a business is relieved by talking to his wife or playing with his three children.
In any case, such a loving couple is really enviable and I wish them a happy marriage and a prosperous life.
Posted by: onlyress at
10:01 AM
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Post contains 350 words, total size 2 kb.
July 15, 2021
Integrated housing as a new housing style, in recent years, I believe that the people more or less will have heard of, touched the integrated housing, integrated engineering building, but what is integrated housing, and what is the difference with the general brick and mortar building structure is likely not too clear, today I will take the people to understand what is called integrated housing, 戶外組åˆå±‹.
A. What is integrated housing
Integrated housing engineering construction is in fact the solution to the traditional type of housing commonly used water, mud, sand, stone and other engineering construction materials that must be wet work, the choice of new environmental protection materials and recyclable system recycling steel as the key material, the housing management system is divided into walls, roads, roofs and other parts of the factory early prefabricated components part of the construction site in accordance with a different part of the house put together, playing A simpler description is that the basic construction of integrated houses is in fact just like children putting together building blocks, the parts prefabricated in advance in the factory are like small toys, and they can be put together at the construction site in accordance with the engineering drawings, saving labor and economic costs at a very large level.
Second, integrated housing and traditional brick structure where the difference
The first is in the material level, as we have just mentioned, the traditional house in the construction process to sand, stone, mud and concrete structure as the main, this engineering construction materials on the one hand is must wet work, waste of water, on the other hand, this material itself is a kind of consumption of soil resources and there is no way to recycle system application, after the waste will undoubtedly become urban garbage. The materials used in the construction of integrated houses are mainly steel, and most of the materials used in the construction of houses are environmentally friendly and biodegradable. 90 percent of the materials are recyclable.
The second is the construction level, traditional houses are generally built with bricks and concrete after the foundation is laid, the construction period is long, generally the construction period of rural houses is two to three months, because concrete, bricks and so on have a very large net weight, for the total number of workers is also a certain regulation. The material of the integrated house itself is all steel frame structure, so the net weight is of course much lighter, and part of it is prefabricated in the factory early, which further saves the cost of manpower and human resources, and the workers can put the house together after they arrive on the spot according to the regulations like building blocks.
The final is the application level, in the vast majority of people's image of the house is to do not move property and exist, indeed, the traditional type of housing is all the house and the roadbed linked together, and thus enhance the solidity of the house, but integrated housing to enhance the definition, can be moved, demolition type, because of that characteristic integrated housing is commonly used to the temporary construction site of the capital construction company offices, bedrooms; crude oil, mining, gas and other large and medium-sized suburbs. Mining, gas and other large and medium-sized suburban survey, field work project construction land; large cities office, civil installation, exhibitions and other temporary land; tourist attractions recreational single-family houses, vacation villas and other land.
Three, what are the characteristics of integrated housing
1ã€Low cost
Because the integrated house is selected from the factory production and manufacturing, modular design and assembly, huge level of savings in construction time and construction costs, the construction period is twice as short as the general brick and mortar building structure, reducing the cost of labor, and ninety percent of the integrated house materials can be recycled.
2ã€Green and environmental protection
Most of the materials used in the construction of integrated houses are low-carbon and biodegradable, which reduces the destruction of the natural environment. The integrated house is movable and not easy to destroy the land resources.
3ã€Wind and earthquake resistant grade, heat insulation and thermal insulation
The integrated house selects the high-quality specification stainless steel plate as the main frame shear wall material of the act, which makes the house have the working ability of wind and earthquake resistance grade, and selects the extraordinary polyurethane material material as the wall add-on material, which ensures the house has the characteristics of sound insulation and noise reduction, heat insulation and heat preservation, heat insulation and heat preservation, and waterproof.
Posted by: onlyress at
07:45 AM
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Post contains 775 words, total size 5 kb.
July 06, 2021
2021 has long been quietly coming, in our country's international trade soars year after year, but do you know what is the international freight forwarding company? Freight forwarding company as a key step in international trade, can be said to have a very large effect in this. But not this circle of people, most are still not quite grasp this position. Today, we will take the group together into the international freight forwarding company in this field.
The field of international freight forwarding refers to the acceptance of import and export trade goods consignee, consignor and other consignor's authorization, in the name of the trustee or in the name of their own institutions and operations of international freight transport and related business processes, and in the international flow of goods to give personalized services in the field of freight logistics.
Definition of international freight forwarding: international freight forwarding business process as the key service items of the company called international freight forwarding. International Freight Forwarding Research Association Committee (FIATA) will be defined as: international freight forwarding means that in accordance with the customer's label and in order to better customer rights and interests, they are not the shipper's people. According to this standard, international freight forwarders can also engage in activities related to the subject of the contract of carriage of goods, such as warehousing logistics (also includes warehousing logistics), export customs clearance, engineering acceptance, collection, etc.
The scope of international freight forwarding services: foreign haulage, foreign export customs clearance, sea freight booking, packaging, China customs clearance, China warehousing logistics, China distribution, etc.
After centuries of practical activities, along with the continuous improvement of customer satisfaction in different historical periods, international freight forwarding has long developed from the original consignee agent to the defendant party of the cargo transportation contract, and then developed to the third party logistics dealer to the supply chain management service provider, whose business scope is very common. It not only contains a series of services related to the international delivery of the subject activities, such as the traditional type of import and export trade freight express, sea freight booking, towing, warehousing logistics, packaging, control / unloading off, transfer stations, delivery, customs clearance, freight insurance, etc., but also contains international modern logistics, exhibitions and delivery of objects in person, international courier companies, third-party logistics and other emerging business processes.
The term "freight forwarding" has two meanings: one is freight forwarding, the second is the field of freight forwarding, so the characteristics of international freight forwarding can also be understood from the perspective of international freight forwarding and international freight forwarding field.
The essence of international freight forwarding is attributed to the freight forwarder, that is, the consignor (consignor or consignee) of the principal. Being a principal, it is an intermediary service for freight transport in liaison with the consignor, consignee and shipper.
Posted by: onlyress at
06:52 AM
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Post contains 484 words, total size 4 kb.
June 21, 2021
It is firmly believed that when it comes to ECG examination, people are not familiar with it, they understand that heart abnormalities can be detected based on ECG examination to basically grasp the heart condition. In clinical medicine, ECG tests are divided into several categories, including general ECG tests, dynamic ECG tests and exercise ECG tests. It is likely that some people will not be able to detect anything after a general ECG test, and in what cases it is necessary to carry out a dynamic ECG test.
What is an ambulatory ECG?
An ambulatory ECG is a long-term record of the heart's activity and its transformation under quiet conditions. Some patients do not find any hidden abnormalities after a general ECG examination, and a 24-hour ambulatory ECG examination can provide a detailed understanding of the abnormalities. It is a key diagnostic method for non-traumatic examinations in the cardiovascular industry at this stage, and is more relative than a general ECG. It can continuously record the whole process of the heart's thematic activity over a 24-hour period, which includes different conditions of heart fibrillation such as rest, meals, study and training, sleep quality, etc. It can reveal some difficulties that cannot be detected by ECG.
Who must have an ECG?
I. Inexplicable cardiac discomfort
In cases where there is a suspicion of heart disease, such as panic, chest tightness, shortness of breath or chest pain, a 24-hour ambulatory ECG is required if no abnormality is diagnosed on a general ECG examination.
Suspected inadequate blood supply to the heart
In general, the rate of misdiagnosis of cardiac insufficiency is higher with a basic ECG, so an ambulatory ECG can improve the rate of detection of cardiac insufficiency in cases where it is suspected.
Patients taking medication
For patients who are taking anti-arrhythmic or anti-hypoperfusion medication, the results of the ECG can be used as a key guide to detect the effects of the medication in these patients.
The elderly
For the elderly, they must have an ECG every year, as most of them have a high probability of myocardial infarction, but are not prone to coronary heart disease symptoms such as heart attack, and the basic ECG test is also an indication that everything is normal, but a regular ECG test can detect different levels of major manifestations of inadequate blood supply to the heart, and can help the elderly to detect some initial cardiac degeneration.
In general, an ECG can give a more detailed and visual picture of the heart condition, so it is important for these people to know the condition of their heart based on an ECG. Only based on an ECG can it be detailed and allow the physician to carry out appropriate countermeasures based on the results of the examination.
Posted by: onlyress at
10:15 PM
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Post contains 472 words, total size 3 kb.
June 08, 2021
A lot of girls feel that way, using a lot of skin care products, but the skin is still very sluggish. Even if you choose to use a lot of brand-name skin care products, the skin repair is still very little effect.
1ã€What is keratin
The stratum corneum is located in the surface layer of the skin, with as a skin barrier, gear external germs and dirt, and lock the skin moisture effect. However, because of the irregularity of contemporary life, and too much environmental pollution in the air, resulting in the basic metabolism to ease, the stratum corneum body cells can not fall off on their own.
As a result, the stratum corneum accumulates on the surface of the skin and becomes thicker and thicker, resulting in a dull and unsmooth complexion. At this time, even if you go to use skin care products, all are blocked in a very thick stratum corneum outside, can not be digested and absorbed by the skin.
2, the effect of removing the stratum corneum
Moderate removal of the stratum corneum is very necessary to remove the unnecessary stratum corneum of the face, can make the face feel smoother, so that the smooth and soft skin to reveal, and then use skin care products can be a reasonable skin digestion and absorption of nutrients to improve.
In addition, because the old cuticle contains a lot of unclean things, after removing the cuticle, it can also be reasonable to relieve the stress of the skin. Some people feel that face exfoliation will make the skin "thin", more and more excessive more sensitive, but in fact only need to gently carry out face exfoliation, it is not easy to occur difficulties.
3, do not have to be too much face exfoliation
The girls must keep in mind that we must remove the age-old cuticle, and not hurt the newborn's cuticle.
Removing the old cuticle is good for the basic metabolism of the skin and reduces the stress of the skin, but the newborn's cuticle is able to resist external dust and germs, and lock in water.
Therefore, if your own skin belongs to the more sensitive skin type, or your own skin condition is in an unstable situation, do not go to remove the stratum corneum at will, to prevent the destruction of the natural skin barrier.
Posted by: onlyress at
05:23 PM
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Post contains 400 words, total size 3 kb.
May 19, 2021
Wi-Fi module alias serial communication Wi-Fi module, belongs to the Internet of Things transmission layer, the efficacy is to serial communication or TTL level into an embedded module in line with Wi-Fiwifi Internet wireless communication module, embedded wifi Internet contract IEEE802.11b.g.ntcp protocol and TCP/IP protocol stack.
SRRC certification
Traditional system configuration equipment embedded Wi-Fi module can immediately apply Wi-Fi connected to big data technology, is an important part of the composition of wifi network smart home system system software, M2M and other IoT applications.
wifi module to be sold in China's market and try to apply for SRRC certification.
SRRC certification is in China's Radio Regulatory Commission, collectively known as SRRC. where the import and export to China or China's production and processing of wireless communications transmitting equipment, are subject to SRRC certification, marked wifi network transmitting equipment type approval number.
Each wireless communication transmitting equipment specifications signed a unique "wireless communication transmitting equipment type approval certificate" and audit number. If the product has characteristics or important technical parameters of the change, it must be SRRC certification again.
The SRRC certification process includes the submission of raw materials, formal examination, successful case hearing by the applicant with WiFi module / Bluetooth cell phone module sample test, review of raw materials and test results, qualified to be granted the "radio transmitting equipment type approval certificate".
Posted by: onlyress at
07:20 PM
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Post contains 229 words, total size 2 kb.
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